Creating great Learning Objectives
May 23, 2020
I am exploring few articles and courses on Learning Experience Design and finding it very interesting to understand the fundamentals of the subject. Sharing some reflections of my key take away from one of the modules for this week.
Often a Learning outcome or objective is majorly overlooked by most of the designers during designing or development of the module. Any Module without a learning objective which is specific and measurable would not result to an effective course delivery.
CABD is an acronym which means any digital module should go with a
Specific Condition,
Applied on an Actor,
Demonstration of Behavior and,
A measurable Degree
Take for an example a receptionist should be feed in the visitors personal information to a given application from the organisation with 80% accuracy.
If you study the above example:
Condition: Given a mock up training module of the application and a user manual.
Actor: To the office receptionist.
Behavior: Should be able to feed in the visitor’s personal information into the application.
Degree: With 80% accuracy.
This is will also actually make it easy further for designing and developing relevant Activities and the quiz questions.
Most importantly you have identified the behaviors of the audience should demonstrate and how you intend to measure performance.
We can easily arrive at a decision whether the planned learning has been taken place.

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